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The parents are requested to adhere to the following Do's and Don'ts:



1.Visit the School on Visitor's Day/ Visit after prior permissin from Principal or Adm Officer and meet the Class Teacher to discuss academic performance

2. Monitor the academic progress of your son/ward and sign in the Report Card held with the Class Teacher after every PTM

3. Ask permission through letter / email/ Whatsapp or over the phone before visiting the school on unscheduled days.

4. Take prior permission through Whatsapp to visit on Birthdays between 1400 hrs and 1800 hrs at the School.

5. Carry Visitor's card.

6. Park your vehicle in the area earmarked

7. Pay fee in time.

8.During vacation, insist on your child/ward

 - Reading books

 - Dressing smartly (wearing shoes)

 - Studying regularly



1. Don't argue with the School Staff including the Hostel Superintendents and Security Guard.

2. Don't apply for leave on fictitious grounds.

3. Don't bring back son / ward late to the school after vacation / break.

4. Don't courier / send eatable, electronic items, medicines etc to your son.

5. Don't leave electronic items, expensive articles and cash with son/ ward.

6. Don't enter the dormitories, MI Room and other restricted areas without permission of the  Principal or Adm Officer

7. Don't litter: Don't throw plastic or other wrapper in and around the school campus.


Acts Of Indiscipline

1. Misdemeanor/ misbehavior with any staff member/ employee.

2. Resorting to any kind of intimidation/ damage of school/ house property.

3. Resorting to an act of oppression on younger cadets (exploitation) by any means.

4. Being absent from school/ house without permission by authorities concerned.

5. Creating any disorder/ indiscipline in the school/ house involving other cadets resulting in any kind of group demonstration/ protest.

6. Breaking laws of punctuality, applicable throughout the year.

7. Breaking laws of obedience, applicable all the times.

8. Breaking/ violation of standing orders issued by authorities concerned.

9. Misleading/ misguiding  any staff member/ employee/ cadet.

10. Suppression of facts in any case.

11. Violation of code of discipline, as applicable at various venues viz. mess, school, playground, prerp and ante room(in all parts of school).

12. Possessing any such material/ goods which is prohibited.

13. Misuse of any authority whether given on rotation basis, temporarily or for a given period of time.

14. Any means and ways which reflects protection to any cadet(s) indulging in any act of indiscipline.

15. Any other act of indiscipline as adjudged by the concerned authorities at their discretion.

16. Non-cooperation to school orders/ routines/ staff.

17. Rude/ impolite behavior or stubbornness in attitude in complying with school orders.

18. Impersonation or forging of signature/ documents.

19. Stealing money or article of others.

20. Using abusive/ derogatory languages. Overstaying after leave/ vacation.

21. Instigating others to violate/ disobey rules.

23. Conspiring disobedience.

24 Indulging/ attempting to in UFM in examination.

25. Helping / Trying to help others in UFM.

26. Transacting money with unauthorized persons.

27. Leaving the school campus without prior permission.

28. Going to/ visiting places which are out of bounds.

29. Stealing/ attempting to seal any school property.

30. Willful negligence of duty.

31. Trying to suppress/ conceal useful information.

32. Raging in any form.

33. Any act of indiscipline outside the school that would bring disgrace to the school.

34. Habit of frequent borrowing.

35. Habit of intentional and persistent lying.

36. Spreading feeling of casteism. regionalism etc.

37. Creating groupism and bad blood among students.

38. Denying other's right to study.

39. Not bringing study materials to class.

40. Smoking and other indecent acts

41. Failure in exam, not paying fee in protest.

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